Maine-Quebec Winter Carnival Caravan

Join the 2025 Maine-Quebec Winter Carnival Caravan as we travel through the North Maine Woods to Quebec City for the world-famous Quebec Winter Carnival, The trip is scheduled in February every year.

Join us for the Maine-Quebec Winter Carnival Caravan on February 14-16, 2025.

This is the 68th year of the Caravan!

Please register no later than January 31st. You can also follow us on FB.

Registration fee is $50.00 per person or $90.00 per couple. The fee covers your admission to the Winter Carnival.

We will meet at Dean’s Motor Lodge in Portage for breakfast at 6:00 am, on Friday, February 14th departing at 7:00 a.m. We will enter the North Maine Woods via Rocky Brook Road in Portage. We cross the border at St. Pamphile and a second stop at Montmagny, Quebec. We will cross on the ferry from Levi to Quebec City ($16.15/car) and arrive in Quebec City at approximately 2:00 PM.

Participants are responsible for their accommodations in Quebec City and travel home. A list of hotels can be obtained from the Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce. Printing directions from the ferry to your hotel may be helpful before we depart on Feb. 15th.

You must have a clean record to enter Canada.

Maine-Quebec Winter Carnival Caravan

Want more information?

If you have any questions, please call 207-764-6561 or email us.

Register to Attend

Please register using the form below, or use our printable registration form.

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1st Person
1st Person Date of Birth
2nd Person
2nd Person Date of Birth
3rd Person
3rd Person Date of Birth
4th Person
4th Person Date of Birth
Physical Address
Mailing Address
Additional Events/Information